- The economic operators will be allowed to test on Thursday 08/06/2023 initially only for declarations sent from system to system and then for other declarations sent outside the system provider.
Declaration API Url :
Invalidation API Url :
Presentation Notification API Url :
- You will find below a stable version of the MIG, which does not exclude updates.
- You will also find the message definitions (excel and xsd file) and a first set of business rules as well as the code list in json format (a more accessible format will follow)
- 240625_IDMS_XSD (ZIP, 18.17 Ko)
- 20240418 XMLs testing operators (ZIP, 249.28 Ko)
- 20240209_Codelist (XLSX, 471.34 Ko) (Update 09/02/2024)
- Code list (ZIP, 3.32 Mo)
- 20230922_Message_structure_H1-H7_I2 (ZIP, 3.9 Mo)
- 240517_IDMS_Business Rules (PDF, 952.44 Ko)
- 240517_IDMS_VRE (XLSX, 65.85 Ko)
- MIG_IDMS_v.1.1 (PDF, 813.61 Ko)(update 17/05/2024)
- IDMS_20231025 (PPTX, 1.11 Mo) (Update 09/02/2024)
- idms_all_b2b_api_v1.0.0.yaml (ZIP, 5.68 Ko)
- Helpdesk IDMS:
- 20230922 IDMS_XSD (ZIP, 18.8 Ko)
- 240209_IDMS_Business_Rules (PDF, 892.94 Ko)
- 240418_IDMS_VRE (XLSX, 65.16 Ko) (Update 18/04/2024)
- 240417_IDMS_Business_Rules (PDF, 878.52 Ko) (Update 17/04/2024)
- 20230404_IDMS_MIG v1.0 (PDF, 1.82 Mo)
- 240207_IDMS_VRE (XLSX, 65.41 Ko)
- 20230426_Message_structure_H1-H6_I2 (ZIP, 717.53 Ko)
- 230407 IDMS_XSD (ZIP, 18.74 Ko)
- 221221_message structure_H1-H7_I1 (ZIP, 2.76 Mo)
- 221221_xsd_v2 (ZIP, 12.13 Ko)
- 221221_MIG_IDMS_v.0.2.0 (PDF, 919.83 Ko)
- 221221_BusinessRules (PDF, 456.88 Ko)
- 231010_Codelist (XLSX, 316.22 Ko)
- 20231009_Business_Rules (PDF, 655.14 Ko)
- 20230404_businessrules (PDF, 1.16 Mo)