En 2018, le concept AEO fête son 10 ans ! À la douane belge, nous ne pouvons passer à côté d’une telle occasion. C’est pourquoi l’Administration générale des Douanes et Accises (AGD&A) organise le vendredi 14 septembre 2018 un deuxième événement consacré aux AEOs. Vu notre étroit partenariat avec les opérateurs économiques agréées, nous voudrions célébrer cette date ensemble, en y incluant les fédérations et les ports.
Durant de sessions plénières générales et de sessions thématiques, nous aborderons, avec le soutien d’intervenants au niveau national et international, plusieurs sujets relatifs à la douane. La journée de l’événement sera également une excellente possibilité de « networking ».
Où et quand ?
Le Pacheco Center à la Tour des Finances à Bruxelles.
Le vendredi 14 september 2018.
Quoi ?
Pour que nos partenaires puissent pleinement profiter de cet événement :
- Participation totalement gratuite
- Sessions plénières générales avec pour thème : l'évolution du concept AEO dans l'Union européenne au cours des 10 dernières années et un lien avec l'ancienne et la nouvelle législation ; et le très actuel Brexit
- Des sessions thématiques, dans lesquelles les participants pourront contribuer eux-mêmes au choix des thèmes : la compétence professionnelle (cours de formations certifiées) ; les Customs Competence Centers (3C) ; le System Based Approach (SBA) et Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence et The Internet of Things
- Des experts nationaux et des conférenciers internationaux, y compris un représentant de la Commission européenne et Lars Karlsson, une autorité de renommée internationale dans le domaine des programmes de compliance
- Un déjeuner sandwich gratuit, du café chaud et de délicieuses pâtisseries
- Un grand moment de “networking” en conclusion de cette journée pleine d’intérêt.
Quel est le programme de cette journée ?
9h – 10h
10h – 11h
Ouverture :
Administrateur général de l’AGD&A, Kristian Vanderwaeren
“The developments of the EU AEO programme and its challenges” – Director of Customs, European Commission, Philip Kermode
11h – 12h
Sessions sur les sujets spécifiques suivants :
Customs Competence Centers
Compétences professionnelles
System Based Approach
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & The Internet of Things
12h – 13h
13h – 13h45
Session plénière “Brexit” – Managing Director KGH Global Consulting & President KGH Border Services, Lars Karlsson
13h45 – 14h45
Sessions sur les sujets spécifiques suivants :
Customs Competence Centers
Compétences professionnelles
System Based Approach
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & The Internet of Things
14h45 – 15h15
Pause café
15h15 – 15h45
Conclusions – chef du Département Marketing AGD&A, Werner Rens
15h45 – 16h
Clôture – Ministre des Finances, Johan Van Overtveldt
16h - …
Quels experts seront présents ?
Philip Kermode : “Director of the Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff Directorate. He is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and a member of the Institute of Taxation in Ireland. He has worked in the European Commission since 1987. Prior to joining the Commission he worked in the Office of the Revenue Commissioners and then as a tax manager in Price Waterhouse, Dublin. He has worked in different functions in the Commission's Taxation and Customs Union Directorate General and in the Commission's Anti-Fraud Service (OLAF). In November 2008 he became Director responsible for Direct Taxation, Tax Coordination, Economic Analysis and Evaluation and in October 2014 he was appointed Director of the Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff Directorate. He has been in this function since then.”
Brexit :
Lars Karlsson (DOCX, 17.34 Ko): Managing Director KGH Global Consulting & President KGH Border Services. For years he has been part of the World Customs Organization and one of the founders of the Stairway principle, on which the AEO concept was based.
At the moment Mr. Karlsson is heavily involved in Brexit and it’s impact on trade. He is, among other things, author behind the highly recognized report “Smart Border 2.0 – Avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland for Customs control and free movement of people” on behalf of the European Parliament. In his role within KGH, he continues to engage in the major events on an international level. With all his international expertise about Brexit and AEO, Lars Karlsson is the perfect man to give his vision on this theme.
At the moment Mr. Karlsson is heavily involved in Brexit and it’s impact on trade. He is, among other things, author behind the highly recognized report “Smart Border 2.0 – Avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland for Customs control and free movement of people” on behalf of the European Parliament. In his role within KGH, he continues to engage in the major events on an international level. With all his international expertise about Brexit and AEO, Lars Karlsson is the perfect man to give his vision on this theme.
La compétence professionnelle (cours de formations certifiées) :
Michael van Giel (DOCX, 11.86 Ko) : “Directeur d’Adon et directeur régional honoraire des Douanes et Accises, spécialisé en gestion des matières douanières internationales et en formation douanière.“
Karel De Greve (DOCX, 455.06 Ko) : “Policy Officer at the European Commission – Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) - Risk management and Security Unit. He has worked for Belgium Customs, has teached at the Customs Academy, was a member of the Jury for internal promotions and Belgium team leader for the Sanction and Assistance Mission in Western Balkan (Albania) in the nineties. Since 1987, Karel is working for the European Commission, in different functions. Currently he is dealing with the concepts of Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) and Smart and Secured trade lanes, including the visibility, communication and promotion of these projects.”
Pierre De Borggraef : “Conseiller à l’Administration générale des Douanes et Accises auprès du département de Formation.”
Nathalie Bundervoet : “Legal assistant at the department of legislation by the Belgian administration of Customs and Excise. She has several years of experience within the administration, working for different services such as the control office, the audit service and the legal service.”
Werner Rens : Counsellor-general at the General Administration of Customs and Excises in Belgium. Between 2015 and 2017 he was in charge of the Department Customer Management and Marketing which was competent for all kind of authorizations including AEO. In 2017, together with a structural reorganization of the General Administration, he became in charge of the new department Marketing which is competent for Marketing, Communication and Economic Support. Until 2015 he has served for over 15 years at the customs procedures department of the regional direction of Antwerp. Before he joined the public service he has worked for more than 5 years in a logistics company as senior account manager. He is also convenor of the working-group Communication & Marketing of the National Forum which is in Belgium the official consultative body between Customs and Trade.
Sven Van der Biest : “Attaché à l’Administration générale des Douanes et Accises, département Marketing, team Economic Support.”
Brigitte Van den Bussche : “Experienced Senior Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Skilled in Coaching, Government, Public Policy, Dutch, and English. Strong consulting professional with a Master’s Degree focused in Accounting and Finance from VLEKHO Business School Brussel.”
Tim Van Sant : “Conseiller général au cabinet du ministre des Finances.”
Kurt Samaey : “Expert tarif à l' Administration générale des Douanes et Accises, departement Législation, service Tarif.”
Didier Dubois : “Attaché dans le département Operations à l’Administration générale des Douanes et Accises et chef de projet de « l’implémentation d'une méthode de travail SBA » au sein des opérateurs belges. Il apporte dans ce projet son expérience en matière d’audit et de contrôle interne.”
Mieke Verpoorten : “Attachée à l'Administration générale des Douanes et Accises. Depuis 2008, activement impliquée dans l’AEO et sa mise en œuvre en Belgique. Depuis 2012, elle est membre du groupe de travail européen sur le “System Based Approach.”
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & The Internet of Things :
Fernand Rutten : “The Global Leader of the Global Trade Advisory service line within Deloitte and Managing Partner of the Global Trade Advisory service line of Deloitte Belgium. Fernand has over 19 years of experience advising multinational companies on trade compliance issues. Fernand specializes in a variety of customs, excise and global trade issues in companies operating in both the public and private sector. He regularly advises on projects such as business model optimization, automation (customs & excise solutions), compliance, export controls, excise, litigation, valuation, origin, customs classification, data analytics, and (exponential) technologies.”
Philippe Heeren : “A customs, trade and excise lawyer at Laga law firm, which is part of the international Deloitte Legal network. He also lectures on customs law at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Philippe provides his legal services to clients both in the public and in the private sector. Relating to customs and trade laws, he advises clients on regulatory compliance, controversy management, supply chain optimization and trade automation. Philippe developed a particular expertise on the legal impact of new technologies in the field of customs and trade.”
Steven Schutter : “Marketing Manager chez Nxtport”
John Kerkhof : “Holds a master’s degree in applied business economics from the University of Antwerp and specialized in Transport economics. After a career of fifteen years at Hapag-Lloyd, a major container shipping line, he joined Alfaport Antwerpen, the federation of port companies and logistics service providers, in 2005 as director policy & organization. In 2011 he was appointed as director of the Antwerp Port Community System. Today John works as project manager for the Portmade Group with a special focus on developing community applications under the Port@pp brand.”
Valentin Carlan : “A PhD student and researcher at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics at the Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp. He participated and was part of the winning teams at two hackathons, the Logistics of the Future hackathon (Antwerp, Dec 2016) and the Volvo hackathon (Antwerp, Feb 2017). His expertise consists of applications of the cost and benefits analysis methods for port related innovation in general, and ICT applications for the supply chain in particular.”
Un regard sur l'événement AEO “3C” de 2017
Un exemple ? Nous vous proposons de jeter un coup d’œil sur l’évènement de 2017 que nous avons organisé pour les entreprises AEO au sujet de 3C (les Customs Competence Centers).
Participer ?
Vous êtes titulaire d'une autorisation AEO, membre d’une fédération professionnelle ou d’un port mais vous n'avez pas reçu un e-mail d'inscription ? Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à da.marketing@minfin.fed.be, nous vous aiderons avec plaisir !
Session "3C" (PDF, 2.81 Mo)
Session "Blockchain, Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence" (PDF, 6.52 Mo)
Session "Professional Competence" (PDF, 2.37 Mo)
Session "SBA" (PDF, 2.23 Mo)
Session "Today's conclusion" (PDF, 1.09 Mo)
Quelques images témoignant de l'ambiance